Normally we always face these issues in Hive. Our ETL guy ingests the XML in HDFS in a Yarn cluster in AVRO format. Then we do SQL using Hive no matters what…
The thing here is that our Data Engineer basically discovered that Spark would take about 20 minutes roughly on performing an XML parsing that took to Hive more than a day. Basically she tested the same job in Hive (exploding multiple arrays) and PySpark dataframes using the spark-xml lib.
When I started doing this months ago, I wasn’t really fluent in scala and I didn’t have a fully understand about Spark RDDs, so I wanted a solution based on pyspark dataframes.
As I couldn’t find any way to do it with DFs already posted on GitHub, I decided to design a Tree structure to iterate through XML components (see function node_paths below). It only lists all the paths in XMLs struct, and also all the nested paths inside them. If it finds an array, it adds the whole array as a path to be exploded by the function explodePath.
For nested structs and arrays inside arrays, this code may need a bit of rework. As an extra iteration over the results (quickest way), or using+improving code that is currently commented out.
Thanks for reading!
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######################################################################################################### ############################# PySpark - imports ######################################################### ######################################################################################################### from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext from pyspark.sql import * from pyspark.sql.functions import * from pyspark.sql.types import * from pyspark.storagelevel import StorageLevel from pyspark.sql import HiveContext ######################################################################################################### ############################# Python - imports ######################################################### ######################################################################################################### from datetime import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import re ######################################################################################################### # Initialise spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate() sc.setLogLevel('ERROR') sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) ######################################################################################################### # Print all spark configuration # sc._conf.getAll() ######################################################################################################### hive_udf_mapping_file = "/bin/" ######################################################################################################### #try: # print("Loading Hive UDF map file") # exec(open(hive_udf_mapping_file).read()) #except: # already loaded the UDFs # pass ######################################################################################################### ######################################################################################################### ############################# Python - imports ######################################################### ######################################################################################################### import math import re import sys import random from functools import reduce from datetime import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import pandas as pd ######################################################################################################### # Dont_explode_these_fields input (list of strings): e.g. [‘parent.child.child_field’] def flat_and_explode_XML(result,dont_explode_these_fields=[],debug=False): # Aux variables to decide if we don't want to explode a parameter called in an specific way # TODO: both in one param and feed it as argument dont_expand_list=[] #e.g. [‘child_field’] # this operates over a subtree so it doesn't need the path (the last pos in an split by . should work over the next param string) # Declaring dictionary to save names of fields that will be exploded result_names_dict= {} # Get list of paths to be added to the DF paths= parse_xml(result,root_path='root') # Now we have the lists of paths to send to function 1: explodePaths. # Iterate through Dataframe indexed paths and explode if necessary for path in paths: result, result_cols, result_exploded=explodePath(result,path[0],dont_explode_these_fields,debug,tmpColSeparator='_') result_names_dict[result_cols] = str(path[0]) # Separate the fields that have been exploded (were arrays) and the ones that doesn't in two groups for the DF exploded_fields = [s for s in result.schema.names if "EXPLODED" in s] clean_paths=[i[0] for i in paths] # Select the two group of fields with a parsed alias already (to rename then to appripiate paths and dont get confused with names) paths_with_alias=[path+' AS '+str.replace(path,'.','_') for path in clean_paths] if debug: print("All fields except exploded:") print(paths_with_alias) print("__") print("List of fields being exploded:") print(flatten_list_of_lists([create_alias_4exploded(exploded,result_names_dict,result) for exploded in exploded_fields])) result=result.selectExpr(paths_with_alias+flatten_list_of_lists([create_alias_4exploded(exploded,result_names_dict,result) for exploded in exploded_fields])) #if debug: # print("RESULTING DATAFRAME") # print(" ") # print(result.schema.names) # print(" ") # print("END OF DATAFRAME") # Return Dataframe as an union of both lists and dedup duplicated fields #(e.g. arrays exploded that only had one value so they were a leaf node and therefore they are in both lists) return result.selectExpr(sorted(result.schema.names)) ''' Receives the XML to be parsed through a tree structure''' def parse_xml(tree,root_path): a,b,res = node_paths(tree,root_path) #Return res, as we only want the leaf nodes. return res ''' Helper function receives a tree and returns all paths that have this node as root and all other paths ''' def node_paths(tree_node,node_path): #if tree is the empty tree: if len(tree_node.schema)==0: return ([], []) else: #tree is a node root = node_path # tree_node.schema rooted_paths = [[root]] unrooted_paths = [] res_paths = [] # Iterating Tree_Node's Childs for child_name in tree_node.schema.names: subtree_path=node_path+'.'+child_name isExploded = False colName=str.replace(subtree_path,'root.','') # =childName #print ('Iterating: '+child_name+' ____________ path: '+colName) # DONT EXPLODE HERE AS WE EXPLODE AFTER # IF NODE HAVE CHILDS, WE NEED TO SEND THE NODE EXPANDED #if isinstance(tree_node.schema[child_name].dataType,ArrayType) and child_name not in dont_expand_list: # subtree=tree_node.selectExpr("explode("+child_name+") AS "+child_name) #print ('Array -> Exploding it') #print ('Numb fields was:'+str(len(subtree.schema.fields))+' / Numb hidden structured fields was:'+str(get_number_of_struct_fields(subtree.schema))) # Depending of how many fields does the array has we expand the exploded DF or not # if get_number_of_struct_fields(subtree.schema)>1: #or isinstance(subtree.schema.dataType,ArrayType) #print ('Exploded ARRAY - Have childs.') # subtree=subtree.selectExpr(child_name+".*") #There must be a way that consumes less resources # (useable, unuseable, iterable) = node_paths(subtree,subtree_path) # else: #print ('Exploded ARRAY - Dont have expandable childs') # # (useable, unuseable, iterable) = leaf_path(subtree,subtree_path) #el if isinstance(tree_node.schema[child_name].dataType,StructType): #In this case we need to expand the field before doing anything else #print ('Numb fields was:'+str(len(tree_node.schema[child_name].fields))+' / Numb hidden structured fields was:'+str(get_number_of_struct_fields(tree_node.schema[child_name]))) subtree=tree_node.selectExpr(child_name+".*") #There must be a way that consumes less resources (useable, unuseable, iterable) = node_paths(subtree,subtree_path) # IF NODE IS LEAF/ NO NEED TO EXPAND (CALL leaf_path) else: #print ('Dont have or want expandable childs') #Done by calling leaf_path (useable, unuseable, iterable) = leaf_path(subtree,subtree_path) # LISTS TRACKING THE VISITED NODES if len(useable)>0: for path in useable: unrooted_paths.append(path) expression='' #rooted_paths.append([root]+path) # this give us a lot of dups in subpaths (it show all the pivotable nodes as many times as branches they do have) if len(unuseable)>0: for path in unuseable: unrooted_paths.append(path) # A THIRD LIST CONTAINS THE FIELDS TO BE ADDED TO THE DATAFRAME (LEAF NODES). THE RESULT OF THIS PROCESS if len(iterable)>0: for path in iterable: res_paths.append(path) return (rooted_paths, unrooted_paths, res_paths) ''' Helper function receives a leaf and returns all paths that have this node as root if tree is the empty tree:''' def leaf_path(tree_node,node_path): if len(tree_node.schema)==0: return ([], []) else: #tree is a node root = node_path # tree_node.schema rooted_paths = [[root]] unrooted_paths = [] # All the subtrees at the level al leafs with a single field. If they can be expanded in more fields then they won't be at this level. res_paths=[[str.replace(node_path,'root.','')]] return (rooted_paths, unrooted_paths, res_paths) ''' Component that decides if we should explode or not ''' def explodePath(dataFrame, pathString, avoid_explode, debug=False, tmpColSeparator='___'): #if debug: print('START FUNCTION') # DEBUG path = pathString.split('.') isExploded = False colExploded = tmpColSeparator.join(['EXPLODED'] + path) #if debug: print('colExploded '+colExploded) # DEBUG colNonArray = [] schemaList = dataFrame.schema #if debug: print('START LOOP') # DEBUG for i,col in enumerate(path): if debug: print(' col='+''.join(col)+' ¦¦ i='+str(i)+' ¦¦ path='+''.join(path)) # DEBUG if isinstance(schemaList[col].dataType,ArrayType) and '.'.join(path) not in avoid_explode: # Not exploding child_fields specified if debug: print('isinstance') # DEBUG if debug: print ('isExploded='+str(isExploded)) # DEBUG if debug: print ('.'.join(path)+" "+''.join(avoid_explode)) #if debug: print (dataFrame) # DEBUG # ################################## # 1 Create temp table to run the query sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(dataFrame, str.replace(pathString,'.','_')) # 2 Exploding with Lateral View Outer (not supported by Spark DFs) to not delete any records # Here we can deal with the naming of all the exploded variables instead of running a method at the end (TO-DO in the future) dataFrame = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * "+" FROM "+str.replace(pathString,'.','_')+" LATERAL VIEW OUTER explode("+str('.'.join([colExploded] + colNonArray + [col]))+") tmpTable AS "+str(colExploded)) \ if isExploded == True \ else sqlContext.sql("SELECT * "+" FROM "+str.replace(pathString,'.','_')+" LATERAL VIEW OUTER explode("+'.'.join(path[0:i+1])+") tmpTable AS "+colExploded) # 3 De-register temp table sqlContext.dropTempTable(str.replace(pathString,'.','_')) # ################################## #if debug: print (dataFrame) # DEBUG isExploded = True colNonArray = [] schemaList = dataFrame.schema[colExploded].dataType #if debug: print(schemaList) else: if debug: print('is not instance') # DEBUG colNonArray.append(col) schemaList = schemaList[col].dataType colName = '.'.join([colExploded] + colNonArray) if isExploded == True else pathString return dataFrame, colName, isExploded ''' Create aliases for exploded fields to not loose the fields path when expanding the fields ''' def create_alias_4exploded(exploded, result_names_dict, result): if get_number_of_struct_fields(result.selectExpr(exploded).schema)>1: # edit: exploded added also here (at the end) to avoid dups when we dont explode by that value return [exploded+'.'+name+' AS '+str.replace(exploded,'EXPLODED_','')+'_'+name for name in result.selectExpr(exploded+'.*').schema.names] else: # All the single structs inside arrays have are given the names below (exploded array only have one struct with one single child) # added exploded at the end to avoid some duplicates in field names in edge cases return [exploded+' AS '+str.replace(result_names_dict[exploded],'.','_')+'_exploded'] ''' Converts a list of lists in a single list ''' def flatten_list_of_lists(list_of_lists): return [item for sublist in list_of_lists for item in sublist] ''' Returns a sublist of values that exclude our selection''' def exclude_fields(fields, fields_to_exclude): final_fields=[] for field in fields: if field not in fields_to_exclude: final_fields.append(field) return final_fields ''' Check number of fields in an struct that hasnt been exploded yet ''' def get_number_of_struct_fields(schema): n_fields=len(re.findall(pattern='StructField\(',string=str(schema.simpleString))) return n_fields '# remove this line # ######################################################################################################## final_table = "" final_table_location = "" #final_file_format = "com.databricks.spark.avro" final_file_format = "parquet" source_xml_root_tag= "" # ######################################################################################################## # Drop existing Hive table print("Dropping XML table") spark.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + final_table + " PURGE") # ######################################################################################################## # columns to avoid adding to the table as they take a lot of resources # this is the list of parsed columns after exploded, so arrays (as child_fields specified) can be excluded if they have been exploded previously columns_to_exclude=[] # ######################################################################################################## job_start_time = print("ApplicationID:", sc.applicationId) print("Track URL: http://URL:PORT/history/%s/jobs/" % sc.applicationId) print("Job start time: ", job_start_time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) input_disk_number="partition" source_location = "" xml_input ="com.databricks.spark.xml")\ .option("rowTag", source_xml_root_tag)\ .load(source_location) # xml_input_eikon.dtypes xml_input = xml_input.withColumn("source_filename", input_file_name()) xml_input = xml_input.withColumn("disk", lit(input_disk_number)) # Get flatten DF (Structs expanded and arrays exploded) AND EXPLODING xml_input_tmp=flat_and_explode_XML(xml_input,dont_explode_these_fields=[],debug=True) # Exclusion of columns and dedup,columns_to_exclude)+[col('')]) #.distinct() (not deduping) # Write new table to Hive table print("Writing XML - to Hive table") xml_input_final.write \ .format(final_file_format) \ .partitionBy("disk")\ .mode("overwrite") \ .option("path", final_table_location) \ .saveAsTable(final_table) # Compute and display time taken once job has completed job_end_time = diff = relativedelta(job_end_time, job_start_time) print("End time: ", job_end_time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) print("Time taken is %d days %d hours %d minutes %d seconds" % (diff.days, diff.hours, diff.minutes, diff.seconds)) |
Flattening complex XML structures into Hive tables using Spark DFs
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